Diamonds and Roses
Send Valentine's Flowers and the Chance to Win the Gift of a Lifetime, too!
Send the Teleflora® Diamonds and Roses Bouquet from 1-800-FLORALS, and the recipient may win the gift of a lifetime -- diamonds! Because, most Teleflora Diamonds and Roses Bouquets include a special card that gives the recipient a chance to instantly win one of 1,000 Diamond Pendant Necklaces and be entered in a grand prize drawing for a pair of diamond earrings valued at approximately $50,000.
Recipients of the special Diamonds and Roses entry card can simply log in to to find out if they're an instant pendant winner and automatically be entered in the grand prize earrings drawing to be held March 3, 2008. It's that easy.
With the Diamonds and Roses sweepstakes, both flowers and diamonds can be a girl's best friend this Valentine's. So, send the Teleflora Diamonds and Roses Bouquet from 1-800-FLORALS to someone you love, and you may be giving the gift of a lifetime.
Promotion ends 11:59:59 pm Feb. 29, 2008. Some restrictions apply No purchase or obligation necessary to enter or win. For additional information and official rules, visit Earrings and necklace not shown at actual size. Supplies are limited in some areas, so the card can not be guaranteed with 100% of deliveries. However, if a florist does not provided a game piece in the bouquet made in the eligible vase, consumers may call 1-866-634-6580 (U.S. and Canada) for assistance and to receive one (1) PIN code while supplies last. Void in Quebec and where prohibited. *Retail value of grand prize diamond earrings approximately $50,000.