FTD Flowers and Plants

FTD Florist Delivery

Our florist delivered gifts are available throughout the 49 Continental U.S. states and Canada to all locations served by local florists, with same-day delivery normally available in most areas Monday through Saturday on orders received by 11:00 am in the recipient's time zone (excluding holidays and peak floral periods). Otherwise, next-day delivery is the norm. So, for best results, please order one or more days in advance, if possible. Note that product substitutions of equal value may be necessary in some cases, some deliveries may be rescheduled by one day when necessary, and deliveries are NOT available in Hawaii or areas impacted by extreme weather conditions. Volume discounts are available! For delivery in other countries, see International Flowers. Prices in U.S. dollars.

FTD Pink 18 Roses Bouquet
FTD Pink 18 Roses Bouquet #4304D  $129.95
FTD True Romance 18 Roses
FTD True Romance 18 Roses #4387D  $129.95
FTD White 18 Roses Bouquet
FTD White 18 Roses Bouquet #4812D  $129.95
FTD Sundance Rose Bouquet
FTD Sundance Rose Bouquet #4817X  $109.95
FTD Stunning Beauty Bouquet
FTD Stunning Beauty Bouquet #4839D  $109.95
fTD Peaceful Garden Planter
fTD Peaceful Garden Planter #5008X  $109.95
FTD Abundant Rose Bouquet
FTD Abundant Rose Bouquet #5239X  $109.95
FTD Pink Posh Premium
FTD Pink Posh Premium #B008P  $109.95
FTD Bundled Up Centerpiece
FTD Bundled Up Centerpiece #24C8D  $94.95
FTD Dozen Red Roses Bouquet
FTD Dozen Red Roses Bouquet #4305X  $89.95
FTD White Roses Bouquet
FTD White Roses Bouquet #4308X  $89.95
FTD Rose Fest Bouquet
FTD Rose Fest Bouquet #4107X  $84.95
FTD Precious Heart Deluxe
FTD Precious Heart Deluxe #4790D  $84.95
FTD Boys Are Best! Bouquet
FTD Boys Are Best! Bouquet #4903D  $84.95

Originally known as Florists Telegraph Delivery, FTD was founded in 1910 by a handful of retail florists dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction on out-of-town flower deliveries. Today, the organization encompasses nearly 20,000 independent FTD florists in North America, and many thousands of affiliated florists worldwide, all working together with the same commitment to beautiful fresh flowers, professional artistry, reliable local delivery, and superior customer service. As a top FTD florist member, Phillips 1-800-FLORALS is pleased to offer FTD floral products and services professionally designed and delivered by local FTD florists throughout the USA and Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed.

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800Florals.com - Your Online Flowers Delivery Headquarters