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Here they are! Our best selling flowers and plants and more! Each is available for delivery throughout most of the 49 Continental U.S. states and Canada by our network of professional Teleflora and FTD florists. To view a larger picture and order flowers online, simply click on one of the pictures below. Same-day florist delivery is normally available in most areas Monday through Saturday on orders received by 11:00 am in the recipient's time zone (excluding holidays and peak floral periods). Otherwise, next-day delivery is the norm. So, for best results, please order one or more days in advance, if possible. Note that product substitutions of equal value may be necessary in some cases, some deliveries may be rescheduled by one day when necessary, and deliveries are NOT available in Hawaii or areas impacted by extreme weather conditions. Volume discounts are available! For delivery in other countries, see International Flowers. Prices in U.S. dollars.

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