Love Struck Bouquet
Love Struck Bouquet #LR101 $129.95
FTD Stunning Beauty Bouquet
FTD Stunning Beauty Bouquet #4839D $109.95
12 Roses Vased
12 Roses Vased #TFDRV $99.95

Our La Grange Florist Shop

Send flowers in La Grange and all surrounding communities with Phillip's florist, your family-owned, full-service local florists serving La Grange, La Grange Park, and La Grange Highlands, IL for more than 50 years. Located on LaGrange Road just north of Ogden Avenue, our La Grange flower shop is renowned for its beautiful roses, ready-to-go fresh flower bouquets, custom floral arrangements, exceptional wedding flowers and event decorations, funeral flowers, and long-lasting plant gifts, too. And, with nine other full-service Chicagoland locations, Phillip's provides daily flower delivery to the city and more than 150 suburbs, including Bellwood, Broadview, Brookfield, Countryside, Hodgkins, Indianhead Park, Lyons, McCook, Riverside, Westchester, and Western Springs, as well as La Grange, Illinois. Ranked in the top 1% of North American florists by both FTD and Teleflora, Phillip's also serves all area hospitals, hotels, and banquet facilities, including La Grange Memorial Hospital, Loyola Medical Center, MacNeal Hospital, and the William Tell Holiday Inn Banquet Hall. Our La Grange flower shop also delivers to Hitzeman Funeral Home, Hallowell and James Funeral Home, and Broadview, Tower, Ivins, Conboy, Westchester, and Merker funeral homes. In fact, in the greater La Grange area, Phillip's delivers virtually everywhere in zip codes 60153, 60154, 60155, 60513, 60525, 60526, 60534, 60546, 60558 and far beyond. So, for beautiful fresh flowers, local delivery, and award-winning personal service call or visit Phillip's Flowers, or order online today.

Our nationwide Flower Delivery

Phillip's is one of the leading nationwide florists too, with same-day and next-day flower delivery throughout the 50 U.S. states and Canada via two computerized networks of more than 20,000 florists. So, you can shop online and send flowers with confidence almost anywhere.. Choose from beautiful roses, fresh flower arrangements, indoor plants, and gift baskets. They're all individually designed and locally delivered by real florists who care. You'll find birthday flowers, anniversary flowers, thank you gifts, new baby flowers, get well flowers, and funeral flowers, too. Order online or by phone. Either way is fast, fresh, and guaranteed. And, for florist delivery in other countries, see our international flowers, selections.

For additional information or assistance, dial 1-800-356-7257, call our La Grange flower shop directly at 708-579-2255, or visit us at 515 N. La Grange Rd., La Grange, IL . We look forward to serving you in any way that we can.

Illinois Flower Shops

1-800-Florals (1-800-356-7257)

Phone: 630-719-5200 · Fax: 630-719-2292 · Email - Your Online Flowers Delivery Headquarters