Poinsettia in Basket #1221X
For color, impact, and long-lasting value at the holidays, there is nothing like our beautiful poinsettia plants. They’re a great way to say ‘Season’s Greetings’ with style and add color to any home or office throughout the season. Available after Thanksgiving till Christmas in your choice of color. Wonderful!
(Florist delivery in the
USA and Canada. For other countries, see
International flower delivery.
#1221X. Photo © Teleflora.)
Poinsettia Color
Please select the color of poinsettia you prefer. While availability may vary in some areas, we'll be happy to accommodate you whenever possible (or select an alternate color when necessary).
Mylar Balloons
To make your gift a little extra special, you may add mylar (metallic style) balloons with an appropriate message for just $6.00 each (plus tax.) Simply indicate quantity, if any, below.
Teddy Bears
Add 1 or more plush Teddy Bears for just $19.95 (plus tax.) Simply indicate the quantity below.