FTD Be Bold Bouquet #4949X
Send a gift that's sure to get noticed with this striking red and lavender bouquet nestled in a petite glass cube. Featuring roses, alstroemeria, miniature carnations, hypericum berries, or similar blooms. Inspired by Better Homes and Gardens. Approximately 8 to 9 inches in height. Adorable!
(Florist delivery in the
USA and Canada. For other countries, see
International flower delivery.
#4949X. Photo © FTD.)
Mylar Balloons
To make your gift a little extra special, you may add mylar (metallic style) balloons with an appropriate message for just $6.00 each (plus tax.) Simply indicate quantity, if any, below.
Teddy Bears
Add 1 or more plush Teddy Bears for just $19.95 (plus tax.) Simply indicate the quantity below.